Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Me = Fictional Character Conglomerate?

     Is it a bad thing to be constantly compared to a vast array of fictional characters? Because that’s always the case for me, actually. I sometimes think that maybe it’s a “character flaw” of mine. But really, with all the created characters out there, how can it not be possible to find at least one fictional character for each real person? I for one have always revered a few fictional characters since I was a child. Indiana Jones, Han Solo, Ian Malcolm... These are just a few. They’ve obviously rubbed off on me a bit. I’m an Anthropology major (with an interest in Archaeology and a penchant for shouting “It belongs in a museum!”) that is a sarcastic and know-it-all rebel. But other than people who have known me for a very, very long time, I’m not usually associated with these characters by others. So I decided to sit and list the characters I am compared to the most to see if I can work out why.
Dr. Gregory House from House:
     I get this one a lot from other people in recent years. I’m a big fan of House, and do share many of his beliefs. I wouldn’t say I’m as angry and miserable as he is, but sometimes I am. I also tend to call most everyone an idiot or moron because I think I’m smarter than everyone else (which I openly admit is a flaw, so I’m obviously not as arrogant as House). People say that I see things other people don’t catch on to, sort of like House. I also have moments of extreme clarity where I think of an idea out of nowhere. I also don’t have a very active social life, so yeah, I can kind of see the similarities.
Patrick Jane from The Mentalist:
     I’ve been compared to Jane before when I’ve told some people about others saying I’m like House. They say that House and Jane are almost exactly alike, except Jane is able to hide his sarcasm and arrogance a bit better (Thanks people). So basically others compare me to Jane to make me feel better. 
Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows:
     I actually find this one the most amusing when I hear it, mostly because I saw myself in the character, as well. The Holmes seen in the newer movies is much more eccentric than the “classic” versions. Once again, the character is a loner who is way too observant for his own good. The best example of my similarity with the character is often cited as being the scene in the first film where Holmes is sitting in the restaurant by himself watching everybody around him. I often do the same thing when I’m in a public place, and people have said I really am like that when I’m with them and not talking about anything at a particular moment.
Scott Pilgrim from the Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series:
     Basically people say I’m more like the Scott Pilgrim of the comics and not the movie. I can see why that’s true because I find the comic version less pathetic. Scott is basically a nerd who thinks he is more awesome than he actually is, which I guess is how I normally act. But I AM totally awesome! Anyway, the shaggy hair and stupid little things he does can usually be something you can count on me doing. Most examples are ones where he either spaces out or does something really, really embarrassing. He also loves music and video games. Personally, I can see the similarity to me, but mostly because of the people he hangs out with, who remind me of my friends. So I guess my whole group is represented in the series.
Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother:
     I totally understand this one and constantly see it myself. I would say that I’m a hopeless romantic, which Ted obviously is. But he’s also a big nerd like me. There are constant Star Wars references coming out of his mouth. Ted is also a big fan of correcting people (which I do on a daily basis). But seriously, the thing I have most in common with him is never being able to find “the one”, as he would say. I always feel his pain whenever he totally fails at finding this “mystery woman”. But at least I know that he has a happy ending, which gives me some hope for myself. On another note, what guy wouldn’t want a girlfriend that plays bass in a band?! No? I guess that’s just me and Ted Mosby then...
     So those were the characters I’m usually associated with. There have been others, but these are basically the top five. So are there any relations between the five of them? I know I can see a few. But I don’t think I am any one in particular. I have traits from every single one of them. So I do see that I am a unique individual! Awesome. And maybe it’s not so bad being compared to fictional characters. Especially when they are some of my favorite ones.
 But Indiana Jones and Han Solo are still my favorite :P

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